Quantum Response Testing Practitioners

Practitioners with professional-level training of
Quantum Response Testing 

Missouri - Chesterfield
Illinois - Carbondale

Dr. Bonnie Juul

  • Do you use the standardized education process about QRT provided before the appointment? YES
  • What is your specialization? Health recovery
  • What is your training? Doctor of Chiropractic, Numerous Muscle Response Trainings.
  • Author of the Quantum Health Trilogy.
  • www.naturalhealthwins.com

Illinois - Harrisburg

Kayla Barriger

  • Do you use the standardized education process about QRT provided before the appointment? n/a
  • What is your specialization? Pregnancy
  • What is your training? Naturopath
  • Author of Is Quantum Response Testing Biblical?
  • Harrisbug, IL

Illinois - Carbondale

Kristen Gebbia

  • Do you use the standardized education process about QRT provided before the appointment? Yes
  • What is your specialization?Fatigue and Hormones
  • What is your training? Naturopath
  • Known for being direct and results-oriented. Focus on lifestyle, diet, and spiritual health to get the best results.
  • www.NaturalHealthWins.com